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- About LauraMcCrary ProFont...
- LauraMcCrary is a narrow-ish semi-bold sans-serif font with a little of the
- old Florida Art Deco style. (sort of a ÒHelvetica went to MiamiÓ style)
- Even though it is somewhat Art Deco, it is very stable, readable, and can
- be used in both text and display typface purposes.
- LauraMcCrary is the second in a series of typefaces dedicated to our unborn
- child. We don't know if it will be a he or a she, so LauraMcCrary is named
- after our choice of a girl's name.
- How to install LauraMcCrary ProFont
- *********TrueType version:
- 6.0.7 or 6.0.8 users can install LauraMcCrary using Font/DA mover 3.8 or
- later, and copy all of the files enclosed in the bitmap suitcase to your
- system file (or your Suitcase IIª font file). Be sure you have the
- TrueTypeª init in your system folder at startup.
- 7.0 and 7.0.1 users can install LauraMcCrary by dragging the font suitcase
- to the icon of your system folder. The system will install it into the
- system file for you. If you are using Suitcase IIª, just drag the suitcase
- onto your current SuitCase II suitcase font file.
- 7.1 users! Even though system 7.1 operates (in respect to fonts)
- differently, you can still install TrueType fonts by dragging them to the
- System folder icon. Instead of placing them in the system file, system 7.1
- will place them in a folder called ÒFontsÓ. Thanks for making it easy,
- Apple Computer!
- Note: Some applications require you to restart before they will recognize
- your new font.
- *********Type 1ª version:
- To use LauraMcCrary with ATMª, you must install the bitmap file and the
- outline file (in this case, it is named "LauraMcCra") must be in the system
- folder before ATM will work with it.
- 6.0.x users can install LauraMcCrary using Font/DA mover 3.8 or later, and
- copy all of the files enclosed in the bitmap suitcase to your system file
- (or your Suitcase IIª font file). Be sure to install the LauraMcCra file
- into your system folder. The outline file will work with ATMª and/or a
- PostScriptª laser printer.
- 7.0 and 7.0.1 users can install LauraMcCrary by dragging the font suitcase
- to the icon of your system folder. The system will install it for you. If
- you are using Suitcase IIª, just drag the suitcase onto your current
- suitcase font file. Be sure to drag the LauraMcCra file onto your system
- folder. (The outline file will work with ATMª and/or a PostScriptª laser
- printer.) If you are using ATMª version 2.0.2 or later, the LauraMcCra
- file should be in your extensions folder. If you are using ATMª 2.0 or
- older, the LauraMcCra file should be in the first level of your system
- folder, but not in your extensions folder.
- 7.1 users! Now it's easier than ever! At the time of this note, ATM
- 2.0-3.0 work the same way. (I don't know if Adobe Systems will change the
- way things work.) Since the system folder now contains a fonts folder,
- your bitmap suitcases will be placed in this folder. HOWEVER, your
- LauraMcCra (or other outline files) will be placed in the extensions
- folder. Even though having lots of typefaces makes for a crowded
- extensions folder, ATM still works wonderfully well with 7.1.
- Note: Some applications require you to restart before they will recognize
- your new font.
- The bitmap (or suitcase) file has been traditionally called the screen
- font. It is responsible for doing all sorts of systemic things, but most
- importantly, your Mac uses this part of the font to display your new
- typeface at smaller type sizes. The other file, called an outline font (or
- outline file) is designed to give ATM and/or your printer special
- information about drawing your new typeface in OUTLINES (thereby the name
- Outline), as opposed to drawing the letters in big, square chunks at large
- typesizes. ATM takes this outline file and draws outlines to your screen
- to make it look almost as nice as your printer will print it (sort of a
- WYSIWYG Òwhat-you-see-is-what-you-getÓ).
- If you want your Type 1 font to print smoothly, it must be placed in the
- proper place (as described above).
- If you have questions about typefaces (even if they're not mine), please
- feel free to write or EMAIL me on America Online (UrsaBear). I do not
- pretend to be a master typographer, but I can usually help with most
- questionsÉ we're all in this wonderful world of computers together, and I
- will help if I can.
- Many Thanks to all of you wonderful typeface users who have sent shareware
- fees!! I am forever grateful for the large number of folks who have helped
- my typefaces such a joy to make!
- **If you like any of the SCP ProFonts, please distribute them freely, but
- make sure to distribute this "Read Me" with them. Thanks.
- LauraMcCrary is shareware: If you like it or use it, please send $5 to:
- Jim Pearson
- 2542 Sterling Court
- Franklinton, NC 27525
- Now for the legal stuff. LauraMcCrary is ©1992 Jim Pearson/Sterling
- Court Publishing. I retain all rights to it. It may not be sold,
- translated, or altered without my express written permission. This
- typeface may not be distributed on Òfor profitÓ disks without my written
- permission. It is not public domain. I will not be held responsible for
- damage or loss due to misuse or incorrect use of this software. This font
- was checked with Disinfectantª 2.9 before it was released to the Macintoshª
- community.